Getting Started

Bizness Apps makes it quite easy to start building your own app. Once you provide your user credentials on sign-up, the website guides you through a simple onboarding process. The first thing you need to do is provide the industry your business is in. The company provides a total of 23 industries you can choose from, which range from arts, to education, to food and beyond. This step helps the platform put the most relevant features to your business at the forefront when you start creating your app.

Next, the onboarding guide will ask you to choose the name of your app, as well as which starter icon and layout sets you want to use. Each category has 3 layouts to choose from, and you can even preview what each looks like in both mobile app and mobile website forms. The great thing about the previews is that all of them are interactive; you can click on every button to see every facet of each layout. If you don’t fancy any of the starter sets they have on tap, you are given the option to create one from the ground up. After choosing your starter layout, you will then be redirected to your dashboard, where you can edit and manage your app.