Ease of Use
This job search site aggregates job listing from numerous sources around the web which gives you over 6 million open jobs in 974 occupations posted by 600,000 unique employers. Due to this strategy, you can be assured that SimplyHired’s expansive list of jobs is updated on a constant basis. This means that you will see new job opportunities every time you visit their website. To make things easier, they even let you know how many jobs have been added since you last visited the website. In terms of actually searching for career opportunities, this website does an exceptional job of making things easy and straightforward. Their search algorithm, which is optimized for over 500,000 keywords across 1,000 different job categories, does most of the heavy lifting. Because of this, SimplyHired can deliver the most relevant job search results on the web. In addition to their standard search functionality, you can further control how search results are filtered thanks to the incredibly flexible search options that are available. These options give you complete control over how keywords are handled or which cities, states, or zip codes to search for. You can also select to search for jobs posted within a certain time frame, specific job types, experience required, education attained, company size, and many more. With all of these options right at your fingertips, browsing through numerous career opportunities never gets overwhelming or tiring.
SimplyHired allows you to find job listings by category such as Part Time, Office & Admin, General Management, High Tech, Business & Finance, Health Professionals, Healthcare Support, Sales, Media & Entertainment, Personal Care, Engineering & Architecture, Transportation, Education & Training, Social Services, Science, Trades, Repair & Installation, Restaurant & Food Service, Legal, Protection, Construction, Building Maintenance, Agriculture, Military, and many, many more. You can also look for jobs that are much closer to home thanks to local job listings, which allows you to search by city. Additionally, SimplyHired has a company directory which lets you search for companies that are hiring in order to learn more about them. You can also narrow down your search with the help of a filtering option where you can choose from parameters such as Trending Now, Fortune 500, Veteran Friendly, Mom Friendly, Socially Responsible, LGBT Friendly, and Green. Finally, SimplyHired has a mobile app for both Android and iOS devices so you can take your job hunt on the go. In addition, their app has a pretty useful one-click job application tool called Quick Apply which uses your resume and account information in order to automatically populate fields within a job application , saving you lots of time in the process. Another great thing about their mobile app is the seamless integration feature, which syncs all of your searches and saved jobs so you can continue where you left off on any device, whether on mobile or desktop.
Salary Calculator
SimplyHired has an incredibly handy salary calculator that lets you see just how your current income stacks up against the salaries of those who are in the same field as you are, both locally and nationally. This helps you see the bigger picture so you can better plot out your next career move.
Customer Support
For any assistance or inquiry, SimplyHired has phone and email support available. Before contacting their support, however, it would be a good idea to browse their comprehensive FAQ section to see if your problem or inquiry has already been covered there. They also have a blog where you can read up on various career advice and tips that can help you further your career.
What's the Verdict on SimplyHired?
SimplyHired Review 2020 – Conclusion
SimplyHired is simply one of the best job search sites in the industry. You can save a lot of time by simply using their site due to the fact that it aggregates job listings from numerous sources on the web. Searching for the right job listing is also pretty easy and straightforward, thanks to their flexible search options and impressive search algorithms. Furthermore, they also have a handy mobile app for taking your job hunt on the go, as well as career resources that should help you get further insight on furthering your career opportunities. If you are currently jumping from one search site to the next in the hopes of finding that one perfect career opportunity, then stop what you are doing right now and head on over to SimplyHired’s website.
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