SplashId is FREE
SplashID Safe is downloadable for free, but users can also upgrade to the Pro platform which has additional security features and advancement. The Pro upgrade enables accessibility and usage on phone, tablets, computer or browsers etc. The pro upgrade also enables you to sync your records with Wifi or cloud or you may chose to leave wifi or cloud out completely. There are backups of previously used password up to about the last five available for pro users. Pro users have the facility to share their records with other SplashID Safe users or non users respectively. Splash ID Safe has a product called
SplashID 8 which provides feedback on records security, by so doing it will always keep your information safe and you get alerted of any security situation immediately. The pro users have access to quicker prioritize treatment from the customer support of the company and they also get free apps updates on their application or devices. One of the fantastic features of SplashID Safe is that it enables you to keep your information in one safe place, not only that, it offers a Multi-layer data security with hashing, salting and 256-bit encryption interface that guarantees maximum protection of your information. Its network is secured with firewalls and monitoring of its Rackspace infrastructures facility that makes it difficult for hackers to penetrate. It has a security certification from OWASP Top 10 verified including local and 2-face authentication identity.
The company reserves the right to make changes to its terms and conditions of service without prior notice to its users. Users are not allowed to breach any of its terms and conditions as such may lead to termination of user account.
Grade A SplashID Password Manager
The services provided by SplashID Safe over the last 10 years of its existence has qualified it to be ranked among the to ten password security management companies as it maintains the number 10th position, this information is brought to you by a renowned international website shoppify review experts- Comparakeet.com.
This feet achieved by SplashID Safe despite stiff competition from other contemporaries present online comes as a result of its ability to maintain consistency in its services according to feasibility studies carried out on all the websites’ quality delivery capabilities viz-a-viz; (i) it has a B+ making it to rank in number 10 position (ii) pricing starts from $9.99 which is quite affordable (iii) it has a 91% enhanced password features (iv) it has a 89% management tools (v) it has 89% easy to use features and (vi) a 24 hours a week e-mail customer support services. These are the features of SplashID Safe which has made it possible for it to find its current position among the top ten websites doing the business of providing online password security management in the last ten years.
What's the Verdict on SplashID?
SplashID Review 2020 – Conclusion
With over one million users and over one thousand plus businesses who subscribe to its online password security management products, SplashID Safe is gradually gathering momentum that will spur it to one of the very best online password security management company of all time.
This is the point we have to invite you to become part of one of the best password security manager today. Are you willing to accept this offer now? Take a look at the above reviews and you can also visit the website of www.SplashIDSafe.com to confirm what we have been discussing. A downloadable trial is available for you to see how good this product is worth. Enjoy!
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